Post-COVID Syndrome; is it for real? And what can we do to address it?

I’m sure by now you have been affected by our 2020 virus in some way; either you’ve personally been in contact with it, or a friend/ beloved/ family member, co-worker has. If not physically, then at an energetic level, it has likely changed your life.

For those of us who know someone who has had to deal with the virus personally, you’ve probably heard a range of stories. We hold all the beloveds who have been lost to the virus in our hearts- this is a novel virus and we are learning so much as we move through time. We now have some deeper understandings and tools that can help those of us who contracted the virus and are recovering.

Recovery is now called “Post-COVID syndrome” and can show up very similar to chronic fatigue syndrome with symptoms of: depression, exhaustion, loss of smell, brain fog, insomnia, and shortness of breath. This may be caused by cytokines, or chemicals produced by the body in response to infection, building up and affecting the brain.

Never before has good health been seen as the new wealth! And truly, if you are living sub-par from how you like to play in life, you can attest to this firsthand.

The good news is that there are some great ways to address the symptoms of Post-COVID syndrome and get you back to the life you enjoy.

We would like to share an excerpt from one of our clients’ journeys back to health after COVID:

Tuesday, July 28th: I became aware that the tickle in my throat was more than a momentary sensation.  I slowed down a bit, skipped my workout, and cut my work day a couple hours short. I figured I was fighting a common cold – as that’s what it felt like, and I had gotten very little sleep Monday night (for fun reasons). Wednesday was the same – I felt myself dragging, and about 7pm as I ran a short errand just one neighborhood over, I could feel it was too much.  Then came Thursday afternoon.  I felt an earrie fever, and a feeling of a tidal wave of bricks coming over me. I was pretty immobilized, with fever, chills, body pain, sore throat, and a fierce headache. 

The following day, symptoms progressed to include loss of smell, nausea/vomiting, congestion, and sense of tightness in chest.  I knew pretty much right away it was COVID.  I never get fevers and this thing felt different than anything else that had moved through my body before. I remember a feeling of surrender to the symptoms themselves, yet determination to move through this well and quickly.

I immediately went on a high nutrient, liquid diet.  I alternated between bone broth, healing veggie broth, and elderberry tea (all recipes are in the attached protocol).  My instincts were to drink all my nutrients warm, allow my energy to shift from digestion to immunity, and not give this virus anything to feed off of (such as sugars, or mediocre foods).  I also increased my immune support from preventative doses to amounts more appropriate for an acute infection (see protocol).

…(in conversation with the hospital) I asked how long before I would know if it was going to go badly.  I felt confident I would do well, but was surprised and in inquiry at how strongly it had come over me.  So I wanted to know, when does it typically back off, or get serious?  The nurse said, “For those who are hospitalized, it’s typically by Day 9.  Make it past then, and you’ll do just fine.” 

When I hung up, I was overwhelmed.  I didn’t have everything I needed to fight it properly.  I had just one current serving of broth in the fridge, and only my immune support regime.  I could feel I needed an antiviral remedy and something specific for upper respiratory support and lung protection.  I felt anxious having a confirmed case of COVID and not having those things.  

On Sunday, I could tell I was holding the virus in place. That’s the thing with COVID – stop it from progressing.  I see it as having 4 stages: 1st, trying to get inside the castle gates (aka asymptomatic); 2nd, in the moat (tickling the throat); 3rd stage, over the castle walls (down sick, but hanging in there, like me); and 4th stage – in your bedroom (lungs, heart; needing medical support).  I was now on Day 6 from when I first felt symptoms, and while still feeling very poorly – I felt confident that it wasn’t progressing further.  

I decided to consult a homeopathic doctor, my naturopathic doctor, and a Chinese medical doctor that I know well, and respect. I do believe that all of these things are most effective when started early in an acute infection – the sooner the better.

A note on full recovery: While I was very functional after about 10 days, it took a number of weeks for my energy levels to return to normal.  I found acupuncture and Cupping Therapy to be very helpful in clearing out the residual ‘stuff’, such as mild sore throat, nasal drip and low energy.  I began acupuncture and cupping treatments about 6 weeks after initially becoming sick.  Had I known how much it would move things along, I would have gone closer to 4 weeks.

Anonymous Client

We are beyond grateful to our client that she was willing to share this thoughtful memoir of her experience – and we have helped a handful of other people recover who have had similar accounts. Some people were not comfortable coming into the clinic in person or contacted us early when they first contracted COVID through telemedicine. We were able to ship them herbal medicine that helped change the tides.

Likely, you will not feel up to coming in due to the fatigue. No worries – we are available through telemedicine to help you. We always start by recommending food therapy. In general, we have seen huge inflammatory responses during and after the virus infection. Take care with healing bone broths and add tumeric. If you feel extreme fatigue and even shortness of breath, you may need to feed the lung tissue with herbal remedies to help the lungs rebuild and heal fully and also supplement the thymus gland so it can rebuild your immunity. Taking anti-viral and anti-microbial herbs will help clear viral residue.

Each person shows up with symptoms a little differently depending on the individual’s constitution. One might have more dryness before the infection and therefore need more fluid restoration than another person, whom if they did the same regimen, might experience gastro-intestinal issues. It is always best to consult a professional and licensed practitioner who can more accurately prescribe herbal regimens for you.

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